Want to know what's just
the best?
Listening to
The Script and reading all your blogs (: Yes yes, you meaning
all of you.
So my turn. My turn.
Have you realised that although exams are coming up -
WE ARE FINISHING SCHOOL FOREVER.Never again will we spend nearly everyday together.
Never again will we talk the complete weird stuff that we do.
Never again will we talk behind a teachers back.
Never again will we try and hide food in the VCE centre.
Never again will we cram for pointless SACs.
Never again will we just sit in silence knowing that tomorrow we'll see each other again.
Never again will we compare lunchboxes and look enviously at that fat salad sandwhich.
Never again will Nathan stand near Evan with his hand stretched out for a precious Red Rock Deli Chip.
Never again will everyone just be in one place knowing that school - Will be over soon.
We'll never go back to school again.
Has that fact hit you? I'll miss it so much. I know I will. As much as I've complained about how boring it is - and at times it is - my friends made it so copeable. I'm gunna miss
Evan's hugs and kisses. Everyday.
Cord's smile & hugs & laugh.
Paolo's "hello... :|" & talking about the latest dilemmas or iPods.
Emily's bludgy moments in further & something lol in her life.
Harry's wave and laugh (usually at me of course :D). And literally looking "up" at him (:
Nathan's "how are you" in Auslan. His wicked bag dance & dancing in general.
Gumji's lunches. Sometimes I just stare at it. :D :D & her hugs
Thisal's DnM's & his latest dilemmas.
Navin's "EYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" lololol and hilarity.
Taco and Michaels mini adventures.
I'll miss reading your blogs about school - how mundane and boring it is.
& Everyone else. Thanks for your FRIENDSHIP. and your LOVE when I needed it most.
Now to delve back into photography. I'll write up a better blog when it ACTUALLY the end of school. Forever.