Saturday, July 31, 2010

Despicable me


Can't wait to see this. WHO'S UP FOR IT?!


Cooler Than Me

Watch the entire thing. My new favourite song. I could sing it at many .. many people.


P.S. If you're on youtube, watching a video with a new video layout, hold down the left arrow key and you can play SNAKE ! Dead serious.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Calm before the ... Uni.

(Copyright is owned by their respective owners - as does credit. Click-through links on images)

Mitch is at the doctor's - he had a bad fall and ceases to function. Hopefully he's ok. There's a 50/50 chance that he will survive. I hope for the best. (This isn't a person that I know by the way. You'll understand if you know what I mean.)

Today I sorted out my timetable crisis - Thank God. It was an easy solution, and it turned out perfectly fine. If anyone is curious, this is my timetable for semester 2, 2010.

Yay for 2 hour breaks everyday .. except Thursday - a 3 hour break on a prac week.

And you know what? I'm not complaining. At least it's not a one hour break that I can't get any work done. It's a substantial 2-3 hour break that I can actually sit down, eat, and get some work done.

Enough of that shananigans. I'm excited for Sunday. I may be going to Savers with an old best friend, and then perhaps watch Inception with some good people.


Thursday, July 22, 2010

From bad to worse

"Suffocate" by Julia Trotti
(Copyright is owned by their respective owners - as does credit. Click-through links on images)

On my mind at this moment:
1. my camera and money involved
2. my timetable clash
3. the screw up of the student advisor

That is all for now, and I hope all that have started uni are having a relaxed time.


Monday, July 19, 2010


Sixteen, South Poland.
Pretty much my hero.

"Silent Sheep"

"Your hands make me crazy"

"Elastic Dead"


Photographer: Maxwell
Model & Post Processor: LittleFlair

(Copyright is owned by their respective owners - as does credit.)

Last couple of days have been emotionally draining. I had an amazing day out with my dad on 15/07/10. It was just just him and me. We just drove around = high. I nearly bought a DSLR = high. Didn't buy it because of my dad = low. A couple of rows = low. But hey. I'm OK now.

How about you? University starts again in a week. I really hope I get into the tutorial session I want for Mondays.

Currently I am watching Criminal Minds home alone ... and just a couple of days ago I watched "When a Stranger Calls". I'm dreading ANYONE calling home.


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Wild Child

"Naked as we came" by SheHatesMondays

(Copyright is owned by their respective owners - as does credit. Click-through links on images)

Song to explain the day: Dickhead

By Kate Nash.


Friday, July 16, 2010


"Four days of Rain" by Anette Schive

(Copyright is owned by their respective owners - as does credit. Click-through links on images)

I promised that from now on I wouldn't post anymore "feelings/emotions" post. But this is exactly how I feel at the moment.

A little deflated and defeated from the inevitable rain.


Thursday, July 15, 2010


"Waiting for breath" by Oprisco

(Copyright is owned by their respective owners - as does credit. Click-through links on images)

So I got alot to catch up on. It's sad to think that as each day goes past my memories are more vulnerable to being forgotten so - (you don't need to read this, it's really for my own sake) I think I'll just go through each eventful day with a succint and brief sentence ... plus more. I guess.

180610 - Last exam. Walked around Melbourne Central with Sweta, Nipuni & Ellie.
290610 - Catch up with Uni friends. Watched The Ugly Truth.
300610 - E's last exam. Toy Story 3
010710 - James' Winter BBQ. Nachos, Pumpkin soup and then some.
030710 - Dinner @ the Gurney's. Modern Family.
050710 - 070710 - INVERLOCH: Harry, Paolo, Evan, James, Felicia, Nat, Emily. Spaghetti. Kings. 'Bartender'. Twister. Ahh the rest is history and captured in photos (:
080710 - Catch up lunch. Paper round in the morning. Massive LOL at Nathan's Steak dish and carrot jam. EW.
120710 - Out with E. Cop Out. LMAO "Turtle Head".
140710 - Day out with Cords (: Tired feet. Colette, Dotti, Jay Jays, Myer, Food, Valleygirl. Red Cardi.

Next one won't have to be so boring.


Monday, July 12, 2010


I chose these two, for their eyes.

"skin." - by Mumbojumbo89

"Sweet Venom" - by Fhrankee

(Copyright is owned by their respective owners - as does credit. Click-through links on images)


elsker, elsker ikke

(translation: love does not love)

By Anette Schive

I will make a stop motion one day.


Friday, July 2, 2010


"I've got a bad feeling about this"


(Copyright is owned by their respective owners - as does credit. Click-through links on images)


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Toy Story 3 & a pleasant BBQ

Yesterday, after E's last exam we watched Toy Story 3. I'm not ashamed to admit that I NEARLY cried (teared up alot) near the end of the movie, behind my scratched 3D glasses. It was an AMAZING movie, and I recommend everyone to see it. IMDB rates votes of wisdom: 9.2/10 ! This is Bonnie by the way :D (left)

Today, we went to James' house for the second edition to his Summer BBQ (although now .. Winter BBQ...). It was fun and real chill. So good to catch up with people. The journey, the walking and training and then walking again, was just as fun as the destination - just because of the people :D (nawww so sweet. If you're thinking that. I take it back ... LOL JK JK). I can't be bothered writing too much and it's 11.44PM so here are some pictures I wanted to share for today.

Series: "Four Days of Rain"

Photographer: Anette Schive
Model: Inga-sofie/Pholk

"And then it goes down"

"Something we call flying"
By LittleBlackUmbrella

"He burned my skin"
By Monislawa

(Copyright is owned by their respective owners - as does credit)

Anyways, time to go to bed. Not necessarily sleep, perhaps a movie and THEN sleep. Btw. ISKETCH DATE SOON OK?
