Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Et Cetera.

What up. Hope y'all are having splendid end of year events and had a wonderful Christmas. Throughout this amazing holiday with the WHOLE family (all 23 of us) I've thought "Oh I've gotta blog about that .. " and never did. But one thing I have to say is that it feels SO complete and whole when an entire family is together. It takes a while for families that hardly see each other to eventually warm up with each other and actually talk and bond. That initial awkwardness sucks and there are still some members of the family that I don't entirely click with but it's awesome when you really click with others.

Ewww that was sweet. Too sweet.

Let's talk awesome.

Well I finally got my DSLR and I have already snapped my way through about 1k of photos which I think is great practice but I need to really get a handle on M(anual) mode and get all ape on arty mode. I'm pretty sure I locked away my creativity in an airtight jar and it's pretty much fermented and warped into a disgusting piece of hm.. Dang... not typing for a while does things to my brain. I'll stop now.

I miss you all (:

Shout out to Harry, Emily, Nathan and James. You guys are awesome and "The Group" would be nothing without each of you. Happy Birthday (: ! I hate that I missed alllll your birthdays. Why were you conceived in the same month. Homg lol. What am I saying ... hahahahahhaha.



‘Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me’ is NOT true. I don’t understand why this saying has been around and survived so long when clearly, many situations in everyone’s life beg to differ. Bloody heck, words hurt. Some more than others and even if people say things that are so far from the truth ... they can still hurt. Basically, a speeding car drove past and I hear an echoing “f*** off, slut!” I know this is a stupid, immature and most probably a drunkard remark but dang, it hurts when you know something is directed at you. The next time you say something, ‘think before you speak’ is probably the best advice to give. I’ll be trying to too.
