(lawl, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen .. hmm haven't seen them around much ..?)
Anyways, so it's the holidays (YAY :D) and I have a tonne (literally) of homework (NAY :c) I really need to get started on my bound reference etc, HOWEVER. Due to lack of planning, I didn't photocopy what I needed to from the textbook so I have to actually copy it out which wastes alot of time. I have way too much homework. Cry for me those who have nearly next to nothing.
- Folio (multiple tasks she wants us to get done by the first day back.
- Two Artist Comparison (Brandt and Gursky) *dies a little on the inside*
- Photoshoot 2 and 4 (where's trish .. I need to talk to trish .. )
- Bound reference
- Study for the 5 days project or some rubbish like that
- Bound reference ... stupid .. stupid ..
- Study for the mega epic obese sac on tuesday. If I don't make it .. You'll know why
- opt: Chapter reviews, Cumulative reviews
- I love psychology. One Holiday Homework Booklet
- Study for Sac on the Friday
- Scholes, you're great. One Language analysis essay.
- opt: re-read Shark Net (throws a tant) and Kite Runner (tear)
Remember those days in primary school/early years of high school, where you had like one booklet of maths .. ar a teeny project or .. even better NEXT TO NOTHING ! I wish I was then.
I was thinking right. Year 12. Yay. Last Year. Everyone's been asking "so how are you going? stressed out?" STRESSED OUT? I'm DYING A LITTLE EVERY HOUR.
Then they say something stupid like "look forward to November ! FREEDOM" And here I am thinking. "IF I CAN SURVIVE THROUGH THE EXAMS PRIOR TO COMPLETE FREEDOM !!!" Don't get me wrong, thank you for making me look on the positive side. It's just really hard when you have the Great Wall of China to crawl first. You get my drift?
Ok so I think I've wasted enough days on the holidays. So I'm gunna do soemthing constructive.
Oh oh ! wait, before I go, One of the things after I finish my last exam is I wanna start vlogging. AND become FAMOUS ! No lol, not really. But yeah. You know what I mean. It just looks like fun.
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