Because so much has been going on ... snippets would be the way to go.
1. Torquay. Picture album HERE. Twas bucketloads of fun (: BBQs. Svedka & Baileys (No, don't worry I didn't drink it. I sipped a Carona and it was feral!). Nathan = Hilarious. Spirit fingers, lying about the time, waking up too early and souvlaki. Jake and Amir. Beaches. Weather. Chill. Tzatziki. Ke$ha TiK ToK. Ipods. Xenogene. Walking. No car. Bus. Friends. Beached whale. "Oh nuuu bruuu...". Surfing. Camwhore. TV. "Yes ! Beauty and the Geek AND THEN we'll go out." Michelle =C. Emma and Jeremy. Pleh.
2. I started gaming. Battlefield 2. I "camped" and the comp found me, yet I survived 3 artillery thingies. Evan was proud ... I think.
3. Check out my TUMBLR. I post lots of pretty pictures. Instead of spamming here with my favourite pictures I post them there. Here is more of the writing + typing ... Ok maybe occasionally some pics. But yes. Ok that was pointless.
4. Shopping vouchers. As much as people say they're mindless presents. I love them.
5. I'm leaving again till 14th of December. Win = Beaches + my family.
6. New blogskin! Yes. Ok, I hope you like it (: I do. Does it suit me?
7. I'm going to miss you. You being - you - who read this.
Love you all.
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