1. I made a set of curtains ... For my bedroom ! They worked a BIT too well today, I'll explain later.
The brackets must first be installed. Dad did that. Thank you :D :D
After measurements were made the hem must be ... hemmed !
Just look how amazing they look. Yahahaha.
And assemble ! :D I like them. Curtains change the way a room looks. Redecorate your room (: Tell me how it looks :D
2. I finally put some pictures up on my wall. I have a wall dedicated to family, friends and a yet to have some photos, photography. Don't mind the bright pink pillow. It's so comfy ... it's amazing.

3. I went out today. If I were vlogging I'd call this a "Haul" vlog, but .. it's not. because I really didn't buy much. But yeah. New pair of jeans and jacket for 30 altogether. WIN. And a bag Evan got me for ... "21st" Ahh .. Lol. SO STORY ABOUT THE CURTAINS. They worked so well that when I awoke this morning the room was SO dark I was like "hmm ... It's like .. 6am or something." I rolled over and I though "...plus 5 hours ... 11 am ?! OMG CRAPPPPPP" Due to the fact I was MEANT to be at chaddy at 11. Heh. I was relying on my body clock =C It's usually right. USUALLY. These curtains worked too well. How lazy is this. Sarah and I WAITED for the bus to take us to BHC when we could've just walked. I can see a fat kat emerging.
She likes the sun.
I like the shade.
Met up with Evan at Chadstone and proceeded to walk around and shop. It was fun ♥ He got a pair of new shorts and jeans. WIN ! FINALLY decided to eat. Pancake parlour it was. HELLO SHORTSTACK. YOU'RE ONLY GOOD IN SMALL PORTIONS. OTHER THAN THAT YOU'RE SICKLY SWEET. BUT YOU STILL TASTE AMAZING. YET STILL NOT WORTH 9.30 UNLESS YOUR IDENTICAL TWIN IS GIVEN FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ! Yum.
That is all my fellow friendlings. I hope to be in contact soon.
Lol always knew you were Darth Vader.
ReplyDeleteOr, as one celebrity game called him, Dark Vapor.
MacRob girls don't watch Star Wars haha.
Also I had a dream about hemming stuff cos of you.
ReplyDeletehey guess what? i have that bright pink pillow too. :D