My eyes are TEARY (dangit), it sounds like everyone is far away and my nose feels like it's going to fall off. The throat feels like someone got a squid jig (pictured below) stuck it down my throat and then hung me.
My voice sounds hoarse like an old man, and to make matters worse, exams are in 2 weeks. Wow I feel so gross spluttering all over this keyboard.
On the bright side however, it is my last week of semester one, and then after exams I have 5 weeks of blissful holidays. YAY. AND ! I got 8.5 and 9.5 on my last chem pracs. I'm happy about that.
I should do this more often - that is, for every bad thing I say, I have to find one good thing too. So ... as a consequence, I have to say something good for yesterday's blog. Um ... I'm thankful that ... hmmm.... I don't have glandular fever or soemthing terrible that would actually stop me from sitting my exams and studying. That would suck. OH and I'm also thankful that I finished my 3 hours of psychology research participation as well (:
Yes so that is my 2 cents on today ... AND I'LL GET AROUND TO FIXING MY COMMENTS THING SOON.
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