Monislawa - "Affecting your Heart and Mind"
Ronaaa - "Week thirty eight"
(Copyright is owned by their respective owners - as does the credit. Click-through links on images)
So back to the point - I shall make this short and to the point. So my dad was cleaning and he found my mum's old external flash for her old Olympus film camera. So we fiddled around with it and eventually found where to put in the 2 AA batteries (because back then things were made to last and the battery compartment was so well hidden!) Long story short - IT STILL WORKS. Some pic lovin' !

It even has a little wire connecting the flash to the body of the camera. That's kinda cool.

SUNPAK. A little package of the sun.

That last picture with the little orange light - the flash has to charge before every single picture taken with the flash. SO each time when the flash is ready, the little orange light turns on. It's a slow process - but I think it's kinda gold !
So it's going to be a girl, since Mitch is a boy - a very ano, metro boy. And they shall be siblings. The name should be suitable for the age of the camera and ... yes. (This may or may not be aimed at Paolo). Nothing gross like Berta or .. something. I'm thinking Molly? Scarlet? I'm terrible at this naming game.
So to my future DSLR: you'll have 2 siblings. NO WAIT 3. HOHOHO. I totally forgot to tell you. Or maybe I did but I didn't show you a pic perhaps? This is .. (un-named again, and no gender). So name and gender please :D SOME MORE PIC LOVIN' - Yes, I know, it's actually black and orange. Kinda like halloween. Don't deny it. It's pretty cool.
Lol factor = 10/10 ! The kinds of pictures it takes are shown below :D
(photographer unknown - it was found on ebay. Much credit to whoever they are. No click-through link)
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