Sunday, September 20, 2009

Diving in

Before I launch into my homework. I decided to ... come and say hello. You know when you imagine what life would be like if you were a different person/made a different decision/better person? Is it regret or is it just alternatively thinking ? Is it a path I should've taken? Or a path that ... Oh I dunno.

"Today is Sunday. Sunday means church. Church means God. God means everything."

I can't help but feel bland. So off. So bland, so boring, so bleargh. Just too average. That feeling where you know that you were meant for something that was FULFILLING in life. Something that makes you feel really good. For example, VTAC applications (University applications) close soon - and I am so SO lost. Other people say that they are but they have BIG options options like medicine, physio .. I dunno .. umm Law .. etc.

Me. I got .. something but practically next to nothing. Maybe not next to nothing. My though processes.
"If all goes wrong, you can be a nurse. Mum's a nurse. She turned out great. But what if you could be something better? What's better? A high pay? Or a satisfying and fulfilling job? I want both. Greedy I know. What other options? Speech therapy (Latrobe = lame .. too far .. hole), Ophthamology (Latrobe = *as mentioned before*), Psychology, Neuroscience, Nursing - psychology. Hmm psychology. Apparently Uni Psych is COMPLETELY different to school psych. I love school psych. Could I handle change? and APPARENTLY you gotta be an extrovert. Me ? Extrovert - some would think so, but really, I'm shy, uncomfortable and I despise public stranger attention. Well, actually, when I feel uncomfortable altogether. ANYWAYS. Neuroscience - I'd have to do a general science degree at Melbourne before I do neuroscience anywhere - I didn't do chemistry. I'm to mentally challenged in that area... Oh I give up ... I'll think about it later."

See? I didn't get ANYWHERE

In other news. I bought two pairs of shoes today. $7.54 each. Not big on the branded $200 shoes. The most I've spent on shoes is $120 - but that was back in primary school when my shoes had to last me like .. 4 years before I could get another new pair. I'm excited. Volleys can be pushed over now. Just like my chucks. (The above picture is branded vans. But I didn't buy vans. So yeah)

I bought Kate-Miller Heidke's Album, "Curiouser". I felt good not going through any illegal practices *COUGH* really I don't. She's Aussie too. I like supporting her aussie-ness.

Other then all of that. Nothing really. I must start on my study plan now. I'll blog again soon. Promise.


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