Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I booked my Learners test for Monday 18th at 1.20PM.

I've been doing heaps of the online tests. It's boring now.

So what have I been up to lately? Hold on, let me get my diary. mY LAST BLOG WAS woah. Caps. Um my last blog was about Chelsea right? Well... Nothing much happened since then. Which I think is the cause to my uninspired-ness to blog. Not that many miss it. But still. I'm sure I'll treasure it when i'm like 20 and I'll be reading my first/early blogs.

For one I found It's amazing. Through that I found, Theres not much there but it's super cute.

ANOTHER think. Paolo got the Nikon D3000. I'm on the verge of getting one soon hopefully. I'm pretty much at a toss up between like 4 cameras. Which ... I can only recall 3 ? Dangit. Well anyways. I'll see how I go. If anything happens, I'll be sure to update then (: You probably won't just hear it here. I'll be bouncing off walls if I get one.

So today, I watched Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 (2009, as I realised there was one made in the 1970s as well). Yesterday I watched Monsters Vs. Aliens. Loving B.O.B. He's awesome :D

I think that's a sufficient update. I'm off to .. maybe watch another movie as I melt in potato-ness.

Oh and, for my birthday? (which is in a while) A dwarf hamster please. Funny how this is the first time I'm tell you something I want right? Well that's because dwarf hamsters are illegal in Australia. Hahahaha. =P

Squished like no tomorrow !

I'm off now :D


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